Dotenv Webpack: The Basics and a Quick Tutorial

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Why Use Dotenv with Webpack? 

Dotenv is a zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env. This enables developers to separate secrets from their source code, making it easier to manage configurations across different environments and reducing the risk of sensitive data exposure.

Webpack is a static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications. When Webpack processes an application, it internally builds a dependency graph which maps every module your project needs and generates one or more bundles. This simplifies the process of turning complex sets of dependencies into a manageable output.

There are several reasons developers use Dotenv with Webpack:

  • Managing environment variables in frontend projects: By using environment variables, developers can keep sensitive information like API keys and database passwords out of the source code, while maintaining a secure and flexible codebase. This enhances security and makes it easier to update settings without touching the code directly.
  • Simplifying configuration across different environments: By utilizing environment-specific .env files (for example, having a .env file for dev, test, and prod), developers can easily switch between different settings without changing the codebase. This ensures that applications behave correctly in various contexts by changing the environment variables. Combining Dotenv and Webpack automates the process of selecting the appropriate configuration for each environment. 
  • Avoiding hard-coding secrets: When dealing with sensitive information such as API keys, database credentials, and secret tokens, hardcoding this data directly into the source code is a bad practice that risks publicly exposing it. By using Dotenv with Webpack, developers can manage such sensitive information outside the codebase. 

Note: Keep in mind that environment variables are stored in plaintext and visible to anyone with access to your environment, so you should consider additional security mechanisms, such as encryption and secrets management systems.

What Is the dotenv-webpack Plugin? 

The dotenv-webpack plugin is a secure wrapper around the dotenv library and Webpack’s DefinePlugin. It allows developers to manage their application’s environment variables more securely by automatically loading these variables from a .env file into the Webpack build process. 

This integration ensures that only the environment variables explicitly used in the code are included in the output bundle, preventing accidental exposure of sensitive data. Unlike directly using dotenv, dotenv-webpack simplifies the process of integrating environment variables into Webpack projects. 

It performs a text replacement in the resulting bundle for any instances of process.env, ensuring that environment variables are handled correctly during the build process. This approach minimizes runtime overhead and enables a smoother development workflow. 

Dotenv-webpack Example 

To demonstrate how dotenv-webpack works, let’s start with a simple .env file. This file contains environment variables that your application might need. For example:

// .env

Next, incorporate the dotenv-webpack plugin into your Webpack configuration. This is done by requiring the plugin and adding it to the plugins array in the webpack.config.js file:

// webpack.config.js
const Dotenv = require('dotenv-webpack');

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new Dotenv()

Install the required packages, webpack, webpack-cli, and dotenv webpack.

Finally, use these environment variables in the code as needed. For example, to access the database host, you would reference process.env.DB_HOST. When Webpack processes this code, it replaces instances of process.env.DB_HOST with the actual value from the .env file, ““, in the bundled output:

// file1.js
// Outputs: '' in the console when run

// bundle.js (simplified)

This setup ensures that only variables explicitly used are included in the final bundle, enhancing security by preventing unintentional exposure of sensitive data not referenced directly in your codebase.

Tutorial: Using a .ENV file with React and Webpack 

To integrate environment-specific .env files in a React and Webpack setup:

  1. Start by installing dotenv-webpack. This is achieved by running the command npm install dotenv-webpack --save-dev.
  2. Next, create separate .env files for different environments, like .env.development for development and .env.production for production. Additionally, have a .env file for common variables across environments. 
  3. In your webpack.config.js, configure dotenv-webpack to load the appropriate .env file based on the NODE_ENV environment variable. Here’s a sample configuration:
const Dotenv = require('dotenv-webpack');
module.exports = (env) => {
  const isProduction = env.NODE_ENV === 'production';
  const dotenvFilename = isProduction ? '.env.production' : '.env.development';
  return {
    plugins: [
      new Dotenv({
        path: dotenvFilename,

This configuration dynamically selects the correct environment file, ensuring your application uses the right set of variables. 

  1. It’s crucial to update your package.json scripts to pass the NODE_ENV variable to Webpack commands accordingly:
  "scripts": {
    "start": "NODE_ENV=development webpack serve --mode development --open",
    "build": "NODE_ENV=production webpack --mode production"

The output should look something like this:

You can then see the environment variable in your web browser by accessing the local host:

Secret Management with Configu

Configu is a configuration management platform comprised of two main components:

Configu Orchestrator

As applications become more dynamic and distributed in microservices architectures, configurations are getting more fragmented. They are saved as raw text that is spread across multiple stores, databases, files, git repositories, and third-party tools (a typical company will have five to ten different stores).

The Configu Orchestrator, which is open-source software, is a powerful standalone tool designed to address this challenge by providing configuration orchestration along with Configuration-as-Code (CaC) approach.

Configu Cloud

Configu Cloud is the most innovative store purpose-built for configurations, including environment variables, secrets, and feature flags. It is built based on the Configu configuration-as-code (CaC) approach and can model configurations and wrap them with unique layers, providing collaboration capabilities, visibility into configuration workflows, and security and compliance standardization.

Unlike legacy tools, which treat configurations as unstructured data or key-value pairs, Configu is leading the way with a Configuration-as-Code approach. By modeling configurations, they are treated as first-class citizens in the developers’ code. This makes our solution more robust and reliable and also enables Configu to provide more capabilities, such as visualization, a testing framework, and security abilities.

Learn more about Configu

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