In this thrilling sequel, we embark on a captivating exploration of Configu—an open-source implementation of Configuration as Code (CaC) for application configuration management.
Today's developer teams are tasked with having to manage Config Ops on the platform as well, and HashiCorp Vault is a great opportunity to show how Configu lets you only worry about your config schemas.
Welcome to the world of Configuration-as-Code (CaC), where automation reigns supreme, and even the most tedious tasks can be transformed into a coding extravaganza. In this post, we'll dive into the fascinating realm of "as-code" buzzwords, take a brief journey through the evolution of automation, and explore how CaC revolutionizes application configuration. So buckle up and get ready for a tech adventure!
Webhooks in Configu are commonly used for sending messages or integrating with CI/CD platforms. For example, a webhook can trigger a Github action flow when a Config is changed or notify about it in a Slack channel.
Configu: Who we are, why we’re here, what we aim to do with the time we have on this planet and why you’re investing your time reading this blog post about us.